Salome Chamboko
Salome (Rumbi) Chamboko is a Mentor within African Youth Arise (AYA) working on various youth development, community & financial literacy programs. Professionally, she is an ACCA qualified UK Tax consultant who has been specialising in helping globally mobile employees with their adaptation to UK tax matters for the last 10+ years. This has been for individuals in various sectors like Manufacturing & Aerospace Engineering, Technology, Education, Banking & Healthcare; with a focus on assisting them around their employment, personal/investment income and basic pension matters in relation to the UK tax system. In her spare time, Salome is also a personal growth coach for other working mums learning to diversify their income through online home business models.
Salome frequently engages with the BAME community through various platforms in improving their general understanding and management of personal finances while embracing inherent cultural differences and challenges that may prevail. Having learnt a lot from past personal experiences in this area as a migrant too, it is her desire to see more and more individuals empowered positively in financial literacy and succeed in their attempts to build a wealth foundation for the next generation,